ti SHOCKING: Vape is More Dangerous Than Cigarette! MUST READ! ~ Legit Daily News

SHOCKING: Vape is More Dangerous Than Cigarette! MUST READ!

Scientist says that vape has chemicals that can cause harmful lung disease.

Harvard scientist discovered that vape contains a harmful chemical which can cause lethal lung disease and other harm for one's body health.
 Many teenager nowadays use vape as an alternative smoke rather than smoking cigarette. Many claiming that vaping can remove their urge to smoke cigarette without having the same bad effects. But scientist recently discovered the harmful effects of vaping that they call 'popcorn lung'. 

 The Harvard scientist shows the result of their study showing 75% of flavored E-cigarette includes Diacetyl, a chemical used as a butter substitute. This chemical can lead to respiratory disease called as "Bronchiolitis Obliterans".

Many of us know that vaping is not dangerous and safer than smoking cigarette. But the United States National Institte for Occupatuonal Safety and Health says that inhaling this chemical for long period of time can lead to harmful disease.
Bronchiolitis Obliterans or popcorn lung is dangerous and lifetime lasting health condition that cause obstruction of smallest lung airways due to lung damage and inflammation. The signs of this disease are wheezing, over fatigue, dry cough, shortness of breath, night sweats may occur and weight loss. There's no current solution for this disease but theres treatments to slow down the disease from beinf worst.

Medical experts recommending that all smokers should stop smoking cigarette and vape, because the both has a negative impact on person's health. They are still researching the other effects of vaping till now.
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