ti SHOCKING: Chinese Lady Changes Her Dress Inside On The Crowded Train. ~ Legit Daily News

SHOCKING: Chinese Lady Changes Her Dress Inside On The Crowded Train.

Many unexpected events are happening on our current era. Some of them are very rare to happen, some of these events happens on very crowded places. Some of them violate the human rules of human decency and forget the limitations you can do in public.

This girl on train in Shanghai China doesn't seem to notice other passengers as she undress inside the train. She slowly took off her clothes one by one and leave onky the undergarments. The other people on the train carefully stare away in embarassment. This video take many reactions from the viewers.

Some viewers said that this is like a dare and she was paid to do this because a normal Shanghai girl cannot do this alone as a sign of respect to themselves. Give us your opinion on video in the comments below.

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