ti Be AWARE! Chicken Meat Is Not Safe! MUST READ! ~ Legit Daily News

Be AWARE! Chicken Meat Is Not Safe! MUST READ!

An issue in the United States for quite sometime tells that chicken has been contaminated by Arsenic. In 2011, FDA stated that nonorganic chicken samples were contaminated by inorganic arsenic.
These reports didn't make it through the whole country but it shows that in 2015, 70% of chicken purchase in the United States contains arsenic.

Arsenic is a natural element that's likely a metal. Inorganic arsenic is produced via an industrial process like mining and cold-fired power plants and is present in tire air, water and soil. Too much exposure to arsenic has been linked to a host of health problems, including diabetes, heart disease, cognitive defects in fetuses, and various cancers. Arsenic winds up in the chicken specifically with a drug known roxarsone, which is being fed by the chicken to give it's color so they can look to everyone's naked eye.
"Published scientific reports have indicated that organic arsenic, a less toxic form of arsenic and the form present in 3-Nitro, an approved animal drug, could transform into inorganic arsenic. In response, a scientist from the FDA's Center for Veterinary Medicine and the Center for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition developed an analytical method capable of detecting very low levels of inorganic arsenic in edible tissue." FDA press release.

Roxarsone along with the other drugs have been added to as much 90% of non-organic chicken in the U.S. in response drug companies such as Pfizer decided to remove roxarsone drugs from the market at the beginning of last year. But other drugs that have same effect has been still using around the world. FDA persisted in claiming that the arsenic was so low that the chicken was safe to eat. The funny thing is they also said that arsenic can cause cancer.
The FDA was once denied that the arsenic on chicken feed was on the chicken meat that we eat. It is clear that the FDA was not suitable by their job. Avoid arsenic-laced chicken and purchase organic chicken that is raised well on farms that is all natural and don't use any kind of drug.

Although it is more expensive than the drugged one, I am sure that it is safer to eat. If you insist, there's alternative such as tofu, beans, and other organic products.
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