ti MUST READ: 7 Reasons Why You Should Drink Warm Water Every Morning ~ Legit Daily News

MUST READ: 7 Reasons Why You Should Drink Warm Water Every Morning

Drinking coffee or tea in the morning is one of the current habits of the people nowadays sometimes cold water to replenish you to make your day started.
However, it can be worth considering how you start your morning because research shows that drinking warm water has so much health benefit for an empty stomach. "Physicians recommend drinking warm water in the morning, usually, with a polyphenol-rich lemon immersion, or with a tea shown to decrease free radical activity in the body." Stella Metsovas, clinical nutritionist and media health expert in food and nutrition science said.

So here are the 7 things drinking warm water in the morning could do.
1. Prevents premature aging.  Most of us want to look young in our age; however, when our body accumulates toxins, it can lead to premature aging. Warm water can help reduce toxins from the body. It can help repair skin cells which can lead to an increase in the elasticity of your skin.

 2. It can prevent pain. Warm water is a natural remedy for menstrual cramp pain is warm water. It relaxes stomach muscles and helps reduce menstrual pain.

3. Weight loss. Losing weight is so hard if you want to. Drinking warm water in the morning is helpful. Warm water increases body temperature which can help to increase your metabolic rate. The high metabolic activity gives you the ability to burn more calories. Start your day by drinking warm water with lemon can help you reduce the body fat in your body.

4. Improves digestion, Warm water can stimulate your digestive system and help to digest food and eliminate foods. Cold water can be counterproductive. Cold water creates fat deposits and makes digestion more difficult. It is better to drink warm water than a cold one.

5. Improves blood circulation. Warm water burns fat this helps flush the toxins inside the body, which help to circulate the blood and assist blood flow.

6. Helps Constipation, Constipation is very irritating, this occurs because of the lack of bowel movement. Before you eat anything drink warm water, it helps to increase bowel movements and help reduce constipation.

7. Induces Sleep. Drinking warm water during meals, especially dinner and before bedtime. It can help you relax more and help to induce sleep and lead to having a rejuvenation feeling the next day

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