ti Find Out The Things You Need To know if you are BAOG! MUST READ! ~ Legit Daily News

Find Out The Things You Need To know if you are BAOG! MUST READ!

One of we fear most is Infertility (or 'baog' in Filipino term) it is the inability to conceive a child. There are many signs to know if you have this disease. The common one is if you attempt many times to have a baby but nothing happens.

Here are other few more signs to know if you are infertile or not. 

 1. Irregular menstrual cycles A normal menstrual cycles, takes up 28 days, lasting more or less 7 days. Irregular menstraul cycles, frequently takes up 21 days or last longer than 8 days. This could be the one responsible for infertility. Symptoms of irregular menstruation: -No menstruation (amenorrhea) -Short menstruation (less than 21 days) -Long menstruation (over 35 days) -Heavy or long menstruation -Short menstruation time -Very pale menstruation -Clotty or very dark purple/black menstruation -Mid cycle bleeding

2. Hormonal Imbalance This could be another reason of irregular menstrual cycles and other reproductive issues. Hormonal Imbalance may also the reason of other health related concerns such as heart palpitations, thinning hair, deppresion, low libido, etc. The increase or decrease of any these hormone can lead to infertility: - Prolactin - Thyroid hormones - Luteinizing Hormone (LH) - Follicle Stimulating Hormone (FSH) - Progesterone - Estrogen 3. Age Women who became older decrease the fertility chance. The average 30-year-old woman has a 20% chance of getting pregnant during any one cycle, as woman gets older to 40 it decrease to only 5%. If you're a lady over the age of 35 who have tried and failed in many attempts. It's time to visit the doctor. Here are other some fertility issues you need to know. - Blocked Fallopian Tubes - Recurrent Miscarriages (more than

3. - Pelvic Inflammatory Disease (PID) - Ovarian Cysts - STD’s - Signs of Infertility in Men - Adenomyosis - PCOS - Uterine Fibroids - Endometriosis

Just like woman, man also has the same chance of getting infertile, but it is harder to difficult to know the signs or symptoms on male.
Doctors need to do a whole body check up to know if there's a fertility issue.

Here are some factors to know if the male has infertility

Hormonal Imbalance

The number one issue of hormonal imbalance with men are issues with testosterone and estrogen. common reason for hormonal imbalance for men is poor diet and poor lifestyle choices as well as low sperm count.

The most common hormonal imbalance in men:

- Estrogen -
- Testosterone 
- Prolactin Health & Delivery Issues, Sperm Count includes: - Abnormal sperm shape (teratozoospermia)
- Abnormal or poor sperm movement (asthenozoospermia) - Vas Deferens blockage-varicoceles or STD damage
- Immobile sperm (necrozoospermia - when the sperm does not move at all: the sperm may be dead, partially alive or alive but does not move) - Erectile dysfunction (ED)
- Low sperm count (oligospermia) 
- Abnormal sperm production 
- Genetic disorders 
- Retrograde ejaculation 
- Physical or structural abnormalities such as undescended testicle.
- Vasectomy reversal- Up to 70% of men with vasectomy develop antisperm antibodies. Other Health Issues, Factors and Problems which may affect fertility in both Gender.
 - Thyroid issues 
- Poor Adrenal Health - Very low body weight 
- Autoimmune disease - Obesity - Diabetes - Smoking - Alcoholism 
- Drug Addiction 
- Cancer (chemotherapy and radiation may cause Premature Ovarian Failure or Low Sperm count and health)
- Long-term use of medications 
- Hypertension 
- Heavy exposure to radiation or other environmental pollution

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