Well, there's a theory that this might happen. There's a theory that we will all be secretly implanted with micro-chips by the end of next year.
Well, it sound creepy but who knows? It might happen because of the technology that we have. Their plan is to implant RFID chips into human beings and track our every single move for the rest of our lives.
RFID stands for Radio Frequency Identification that uses electromagnetic fields to automatically identify and track tags to implanted object, including the chip.
There's a conspiracy theory that says that we will all be implanted by this microchips through vaccination programmes and at birth, or be force to have a contactless microchip instead of using money.
There are a various variations of this conspiracies but they all sound creepy. But in the end, it all says that the government will phase out the money and use the microchip that implanted on you instead, that can also be used to monitor you.
Next is the theory that the chips will be secretly implanted on children and adults through vaccination process. The most extreme claim is having a religion mentioned in this theory.
They said that this microchips thing has to do with the Mark of the Beast as reffered to in the Book of Revelation It's creepy because all human will be forced to have this microchips and the ones with power can monitor us in every single move we do. But those who have power have the creepiest part.
According to the theory of Mark of The Beast, the Illuminati, or New World Order (NWO), is an alleged secret organisation that actually runs all the government- plants to implant every single human in the world. They said this is because Satan really runs the NWO, And now he is returning to earth, and this is how he will control everyone.
The theory was published by nowtheendbegins.com website. In their article about the conspiracy, they said :
"What is presented on this page is not fantasy, or our idea of something that could happen in the near future. Every item here will tell you about advances in technology that either are in place, or in the end stages of development and about to be released. "Every item here will show you not only the plan, but the actual tools that the NWO has in place to track you right now at this very moment to monitor you, and control you.
"They said that it would be a worldwide system that will collect and gather information, and use it with personal records in any kinds." They added:
This will culminate in a chip, implanted in your body, that will personally connect you to the system. What can you say about this theory? Creepy Right?
Do you believe this will happen to us in near future? Let us know your thoughts in the comments section below!